Favor - We Are Jane

Roe V Wade Ruling
OOH, Social and Influencer Campaign

Our campaign for US contraceptive provider Favor saw us prepare people in the states most affected for the fall of Roe V. Wade. We created site specific OOH for university campuses and the Supreme Court, used DOOH to signpost the nearest abortion clinics post ruling, and brought information to the states that needed it most.

We then highlighted the audacity of the ruling with a tongue in cheek TikTok campaign
that saw influencers deliver vasectomy letters to the US governors that opposed it.

Even though the campaign was banned repeatedly, it led to a 5000% spike in emergency contraception on Favor’s website, achieved 7.8 million impressions on TikTok, reached 1.5 million people in the areas most affected,
and was picked up by AdWeek and news outlets.

Working with TikTok influencers that were already vocal in the space around reproductive rights, we created stunts to highlight the audacity of having autonomy over another’s body, that put the ruling into the context of vasectomies and masturbation. The resulting content gained over 7.8 million impressions in 2 weeks, all driving people to Favor’s hub of support and education on reproductive rights and contraception.

@LizPlank x Favor view on TikTok here

@TheLuncheonLawyer x Favor view on TikTok here

@Sewpheeyuh x Favor view part 1 / 3 on TikTok here


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